Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
<p><strong>Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.</strong> <strong>Technical Science and Technology Series</strong></p> <p><strong>Editor-in-Chief:</strong> Baglan Togizbayeva, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the "Transport, transport equipment and technologies" department </p> <p><strong>Certificate of registration of mass media:</strong> № KZ31VPY00034682 dated 19.04.2021</p> <p><strong>ISSN </strong>2616-7263 <strong>e</strong><strong>ISSN </strong>2663-1261</p> <p><strong>DOI of the journal:</strong> 10.32523/2616-7263</p> <p><strong>Frequency</strong> – 4 times a year.</p> <p><strong>Languages:</strong> Kazakh, English, Russian</p> <p><strong>Review:</strong> Double Blindness</p> <p><strong>Thematic area:</strong> All areas of engineering and technology: Computer Science, Construction, Architecture, Geotechnical Engineering, Geosynthetics, Transportation, Mechanical Engineering, Energy, Certification and Standardization.</p> <p><strong>Percentage of rejected articles:</strong> 51%</p> <p><strong>Founder and publisher:</strong> <a href="https://enu.kz/en" target="_blank" rel="noopener">NJSC "L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University"</a>, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan</p>L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Seriesen-USBulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series2616-7263The effect of the track plan on the damage to rails by contact fatigue crambling
<p>An analysis of foreign and domestic experience in improving traffic safety while extending the service life of rails and improving their interaction with the wheels of rolling stock shows that the working conditions of rails are much more difficult in curved sections of the track, especially in the outer thread, due to the intense impact of the ridges of the wheels of rolling stock on the lateral working</p> <p>One of the reasons for the formation of contact fatigue stains on the lateral working surface of the rail head is the presence of tangential stresses that occur in the absence of perpendicular pressure of the wheel on the rail head. In addition, the movement of the wheels on the rails is accompanied by slippage, which appears due to the taper of the wheels and the occurrence of the wheel crest on the rail head. A typical case of the wheel crest running over the rail head is the movement of the crew along curved sections of the track. In this case, the guide axle runs over one of the wheels on the rail head. As a result, there is a transverse slip of the wheel on the rolling surface and friction forces between the wheel and the rail are appropriately oriented to the axes. These processes, enhanced by an increase in dynamic action, cause more intense damage to the rail heads by defects 11 in the curves, while defects mostly appear on the outer rail thread.</p>M. OzturkR. Burdzik
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148391510.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-9-15Workers' Club - a typology of cultural and leisure buildings in the USSR at the beginning of the XX century
<p>Мақалада мәдени-демалыс және мәдени-ойын-сауық ғимараттарының архитектурасының типологиялық түрі ретінде "клуб" ұғымы ашылады. Бұрынғы жұмысшы клубтары ғимараттарының тарихи хронологиясы баяндалады. Халық үйлері мен Батыс елдерінің буржуазиялық клубтарының функциялары салыстырылып, өзара салғастырылады. XX ғасырдың басында орын алған тарихи оқиғалардың сол кезеңнің сәулетіне әсер етуі жазылады. Жұмысшы клубтарының архитектурасының қалыптасуы және олардың бұрынғы КСРО аумағында XX ғасырдың 20-80 жылдар аралығында салынған тарихи алғышарттары айқындалады. Жаппай құрылыстың басталуының кезеңі және "жаңа архитектураның" идеялық шабыттандырушылары анықталады. Жұмыста К.С. Мельников жобалаған Ресейдегі ХХ ғасырдың басындағы жұмысшы клубтары талданады. Талдау барысында К.С. Мельниковтың жобасы бойынша орындалған 1920-1930 жылдардағы төрт жұмысшы клубтарының архитектурасын құру тәжірибесі қарастырылады және онда жаңа мәдени-ойын-сауық типтегі құрылыстардың қалыптасуына әсер еткен автордың рөлі талданады. Ғимараттарды сипаттау кезінде экономикалық және идеялық аспектілер, сондай-ақ аумақтық контексттер қозғалады. Бұл зерттеуде К.С. Мельниковтың жұмысшы клубтары жобаларында қолданылған жалпы архитектуралық принциптер мен композициялық әдістер талданады. Синтез және талдау нәтижелері негізінде сипатталған клубтардың жалпы ерекшеліктерін, олардың композициялық қасиеттері мен құралдарын, ұйымдастырушылық құрылымдарын жіктейтін диаграмма жасалды. Нәтижесінде мәдени-демалыс ғимараттарының жаңа типологиясы – жұмысшылар клубының пайда болуының алғышарттарын көрсететін қысқаша ретроспективті талдау беріледі.</p>N.D. AmirovA.A. ToishiyevaY.N. Khvan
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-271483163310.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-16-33Artificial intelligence in global logistics
<p>Мақалада заманауи компаниялардағы логистиканың даму көрсеткіштерін теориялық талдау және зерттеу арқылы жасанды интеллектті енгізудің маңыздылығы мен ерекшеліктері анықталады.</p> <p>Жасанды интеллект (ЖИ)- қазіргі тарихта ең революциялық технологиялардың бірі болып саналады. Кәсіпорындар өз ресурстарын оңтайландыру және жұмыс тиімділігін арттыру үшін ЖИ пайдаланады. Жаңа технологияларды енгізгісі келетін компаниялар үшін жасанды интеллект көптеген артықшылықтар ұсынады. ЖИ жеткізу тізбегі мен логистикада кеңінен қолданылады. Ол бүкіл әлемде қолданылатын әртүрлі қосымшалардың көмегімен қолданылады.</p> <p>Бәсекеге қабілетті болуға деген ұмтылыс кәсіпорындарды өндірістік операцияларды жақсарту үшін дәлірек, заманауи жабдықты пайдалану туралы шешім қабылдауға әкеледі. Саланың көшбасшылары-ең жаңа технологияларды ең батыл қолданатын компаниялар. Инновациялық шешімдер тапсырыстарды жедел орындауды, тауарлық-материалдық құндылықтардың дәлдігін жақсартуды, жеткізу уақытын қысқартуды және болжаудың дәлірек үлгілерін қамтитын басқару міндеттерінің тиімділігін арттырады.</p> <p>Зерттеу кәсіпорындарда ЖИ енгізудің артықшылықтары мен артықшылықтарын ғана емес, сонымен қатар ықтимал тәуекелдерді де анықтауға көмектесті. Қазақстан Республикасының мультимодальды көлік дәліздері шеңберінде цифрлық трансформацияны мұқият зерделеу жүргізілді. Бұл трансформация сауданы, ақпараттық технологияларды және көлік секторын қамтитын бизнес-қауымдастықпен ынтымақтастықта озық технологиялық жетістіктер мен стандарттарды сақтау арқылы жүзеге асырылады деп болжануда.</p> <p>SWOT талдауының көмегімен кәсіпорынның миклологиялық және макрологиялық деңгейінде ЖИ енгізудің салдары зерттелді. Барлық зерттелген мәліметтерге сүйене отырып, жасанды интеллект деп аталатын инновациялық технологияны енгізу үшін компания иеленуі керек көрсеткіштер ұсынылған.</p>A.V. MukhametzhanovaN.V. DevetyarovaI.Y. Savushkina
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-271483345010.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-34-50Principles for the formation of sustainable architecture of an educational school (using the example of an Indonesian school on the island of Bali)
<p><strong> </strong>In the 21<sup>st</sup> century, the concept of sustainable development has become a key foundation for humanity's future growth. The sustainability strategy is now broadly understood and influences all aspects of life, including education. Global threats to civilization, including economic, demographic, military-political, environmental, and socio-cultural processes, present significant challenges in socialization and adaptation for the younger generation. It is no longer possible to address these issues without the comprehensive and extensive use of preventive development mechanisms. Undoubtedly, one such crucial mechanism is the sphere of education, particularly the architecture of schools. Therefore, architecture, as a key resource in education, must evolve to a new level. The research's relevance lies in the need to apply new architectural and urban planning principles in designing modern schools that ensure an ecologically comfortable and sustainable educational environment. The study analyzes the creation of sustainable school architecture, using the Bali Green School in Indonesia as a positive example of successful implementation. To thoroughly explore the research topic, the authors utilize insights from natural, human, and social sciences, including ecology, psychology, philosophy, pedagogy, and microbiology. The study identifies five key principles: integrating architecture with nature, architectural identity, permaculture, openness in educational spaces, and environmental well-being.</p>A.A. ToishiyevaS.Sh. SadykovaL.A. ZhaksylykovaA.M. SaurbayevaA.S. Seralin
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-271483516710.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-51-67Experimental evaluation of the strength of the floor slab of a volume block
<p><strong> </strong>Modular construction is a new method that uses standardized blocks to construct buildings quickly and efficiently. This approach can significantly reduce construction time and costs, as well as improve the accuracy and quality of work. One of the key aspects of modular construction is careful design and material selection to ensure that structures are durable and safe. The study presents an experimental evaluation of the strength of the floor slab of a volumetric block. The research methodology includes the creation of laboratory conditions to recreate real operational situations, as well as the application of modern methods of measurement and data analysis. The results obtained allow conclusions to be drawn on the strength characteristics of the floor slab, which showed that the experimental failure load exceeded the control failure load by 11%. The vertical deflections of the slab before failure did not exceed 8 mm, which characterizes the floor slab as having high stiffness. The information obtained is an important basis for designing and constructing buildings where volume block is used. The work significantly contributes to the efficiency of construction processes and provides more reliable structural performance, which is critically important in the field of construction industry and engineering solutions.</p>U. AltigenovA. BespaevA. TulebekovaYe. Zharkenov
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-271483687810.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-68-78Features of the technology for molding concrete based on waste using 3D printing
<p>This article provides an overview of world practice in the field of additive technologies and features of waste-based concrete molding technology using 3D printing in the construction industry. The initial stage of the formation and development of additive manufacturing processes in construction 3D printing technology of construction by multilayer extrusion is one of the technologies of concrete molding and regulatory documentation and literature sources are analyzed to determine the place of the technology under study in additive manufacturing processes. Based on the literature review and analysis, the need to ensure optimal rheotechnological properties in the construction 3D printing technology in order to achieve maximum efficiency is determined. The article formulates the main technical requirements for the concrete mix in terms of performance and installation time, as well as the features of the choice of concrete composition. It is possible in principle to obtain fine-grained concretes with specified characteristics based on Portland cement. The results of a study using the methodology of mathematical planning and analytical optimization of the results are presented, the purpose of which is to create scientific prerequisites for the promotion of 3D concrete-based construction and the results of a study of the rheological and physico-mechanical properties of modified concrete with the addition of special alkali-resistant fiberglass for three-dimensional construction printing. In this case, the rheological and technological characteristics of the structure of a cement-sand mortar mixture are shown for its shape stability, plastic strength, adhesion, and defect. In this regard, the first stage analyzes the regulatory documentation, as well as the processes and methods of construction 3D printing, the state of the additive manufacturing market. At the second stage, the composition of raw materials mixtures used in construction 3D printing technology is studied.</p>L. AruovaG. AldabergenovaA. KadyrovZh. UrkinbayevaO. Seitkazinov
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-271483799610.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-79-96The use of waste-based modifying additives in construction 3D printing technology
<p>The introduction of innovative 3D printing technologies in the construction industry makes it possible to increase the efficiency and environmental sustainability of materials. In parallel with the development of this technology, there was a need to create modification mixtures using waste materials. This study examines the use of waste-based modification additives in construction 3D printing technology.</p> <p>The main physico-mechanical properties and strength of fine-grained concretes formed by the method of layered extrusion show the high efficiency of using a modification mixture in the production of cements, mortars and concretes with a given complex of rheotechnological properties, depending on the composition of raw materials mixtures, interaction conditions and conditions.</p> <p>In the course of the study, the properties of waste materials are studied and the possibility of their use in the composition of building mixtures used for 3D printing is analyzed. Various experiments were carried out in order to determine the efficiency of waste materials and their effect on the physical and mechanical properties of building materials.</p> <p>As a result, it was found that waste-based modification additives contribute to increasing the strength, stability and environmental friendliness of building materials in construction 3D printing technology. It aims to provide new opportunities and solutions in the construction sector, considering the environmental benefits and economic benefits of these approaches.</p>G. AldabergenovaA. JexembayevaM. KonkanovA. KadyrovZh. Baidaulet
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-2714839711310.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-97-113Modeling of oscillations of a drilling column taking into account linear and nonlinear properties
<p>Целью работы является разработка и анализ линейных и нелинейных математических моделей динамики буровых колонн и их комбинаций, осложненных внешними нагрузками и факторами окружающей среды. Объектом исследования является вибрация нагруженной буровой колонны, которая используется для бурения нефтяных и газовых скважин при взаимодействии с окружающей средой. Практическая значимость математических моделей колебаний бурильной колонны заключается в полном описании колебательных явлений, непосредственно возникающих при бурении нефтяных и газовых скважин и анализе влияния геометрических и механических параметров бурильной колонны, внешних нагрузок на ее колебания с целью предотвращения кривизны.</p>E.N. TulegenovaA.B. AdranovaA. GalymzhankyzyA. Aliaskar
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148311412410.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-114-124The concept of «The Just City» by Susan Fainstein using the example of recreational areas of the city of Astana
<p>Susan Fainstein, while not using the term "just city" as her precinct, is still one of the most profound questions about justice in cities. It seeks to answer the question: “How can we create and sustain democratic cities that embrace the diverse forms, abilities and aspirations of residents, where they can live fulfilling lives free from marginalization and oppression?” Susan Fainstein sees the problem of urban justice in the tension between development and redistribution, where the collective good takes precedence over the individual. She believes that sources of positive change must come from both social movement and social action strategies. Using Susan Fainstein's methodology, it is possible to analyze whether Astana's recreational spaces comply with the principles of a “just city” in the context of their general accessibility and inclusiveness. The study aims to expand the discourse on urban justice and explore possible proposals for urban planning. Thus, Susan Fainstein's methodology becomes a tool for assessing the extent to which Astana reflects the principles of fair and equitable urban space through the prism of recreational areas. The article analyzes the problem of urban equality, emphasizing the need for a balance between the development and redistribution of recreational areas in the city.</p>A.N. BarakbayevT.T. MusabayevS.E. MamedovA.M. Muldagaliyeva
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148312514010.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-125-140Experimental studies of a suspended point cable parallel robot
<p>A prototype of a suspended point cable parallel robot with a control interface and three translational degrees of freedom was designed and manufactured. The prototype of a point cable parallel robot consists of a metal frame in the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped; winches with servo motors are located near the base of each vertical post, designed for winding (or winding) cables. The other ends of the cables passing through the pulleys are connected to the working body. The direction of rotation, as well as the rotation speed of winches with servomotors, are set by a control unit that has three translational degrees of freedom. Four force sensors were used to determine the tension in the cables of the suspended point cable parallel robot. The force sensors are connected to the ZET 058 strain gauge measuring system, which, together with the ZETLAB TENZO software, allows you to collect information in real time through four channels simultaneously. Experimental studies of a prototype of a suspended point-cable parallel robot were carried out by drawing a circle trajectory with an end-effector. It has been established that the deviation of the trajectory from an ideal circle occurs as a result of tension fluctuations in the cables. Experimental graphs of the tension in the cables were obtained using force sensors connected to the ZET 058 strain gauge measuring system. It was established that in order to increase the accuracy of the operation of the suspended point cable parallel robot, constant monitoring of the tension of its cables is necessary.</p> <p> </p>A.A. Jomartov
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148314115310.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-141-153Investigations of the influence of organic aggregate on physical mechanical and adhesion properties of sulfur-containing arbolite
<p>The main issue of this study is to investigate the effect of the porous structure of organic aggregate on cement stone and on the nature of the contact zone. As it is known, porous aggregate draws away some of the moisture from the adjacent cement stone layers, which promotes their compaction. In turn, the contact layers of the sulfur-containing binder also undergo changes. Also in the work, sulfur and its derivatives are used as an additive for chemical treatment. It is known that sulfur itself is a strong reducing agent, so it can affect the morphology and chemical composition of the surface of the organic aggregate of sulfur-containing arbolites. It was found that the highest index of efficiency coefficient equal to 1.02 and 1.01 have samples of sulfur-containing arbolite based on shredded cane and cotton stalks. The study of the structure of contact zones of sulfur-containing binder with shredded mercerized cane on samples from the binder dough with inclusion of shredded cane fiber showed that it has a dense and strong binder shell with a width of 35-60 μm. The results confirm that mercerization of cellulosic organic aggregates of sulfur-containing arbolites increases its adhesion ability. The obtained results of the study can be used for the manufacture of wall materials for low-rise construction.</p>B.R. IssakulovZ.B. TukashevH.T. AbdullaevА.B. Isakulov
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148315416610.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-154-166Тhe development of a device for the production of pressed granules
<p>The article is devoted to the development of a device for the production of pressed granules. Granular feed is considered as a promising product for animal husbandry due to their high nutritional value. The description of the feed granulator as the basis for the production of pellets from fodder crops is given. One of the key elements of the granulator is a matrix, which is a steel part with many holes through which the nutrient mass is passed under pressure during granulation. The matrices are divided into planar and annular. Granulators by design are also divided into roller, drum, disc, blade, vibrating and rotary-centrifugal. Granulators can also be domestic and industrial, which differ from each other in different overall dimensions and performance. To date, the production of granulators is carried out at some plants in Russia. Based on the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it follows that Kazakhstan needs to establish its own production of equipment for processing raw materials of the agro-industrial complex, including feed pellets. In the course of our research, we have developed a feed granulator. The design of the developed granulator will reduce peak loads on the working bodies, increase reliability, and improve the feed mixture supply to the area of operation of the working bodies. The granulator consists of a base (housing), shafts, an unloading blade, a die, a washer, a screw with an internal hexagon, a spring lock washer, a nut, a screw with an internal hexagon, bearings, a lock washer, a prismatic key, a ring, a screw, a roller and a distribution blade. The developed feed granulator has a simple design and compact appearance. Its design will allow the production of granular feed of good quality and optimal consistency.</p>Zh. SergibaevaG. AbdilovaM. ShamenovB. KabulovA. Yerengaliev
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148316717510.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-167-175Comparative analysis of cryptographic methods of information protection
<p>This article is devoted to the study of methods for analyzing the cryptographic stability of encryption algorithms. The rapid development of encryption systems, as well as the concomitant development of their hacking, leads to the emergence of new systems with high cryptographic strength. During the work, popular encryption methods were studied according to various parameters (performance, memory size, resistance to damage, etc.), based on the results of the study, the DES and AES algorithms were selected, and its algorithm was modeled using the Cryptool 2 software product, as well as attack by various methods. Based on the results of the study, software for an encryption algorithm was developed using the object-oriented programming language C#.</p>Z.А. IssagalyevaA.S. AbdiramanN.K. MedelbayevaL.S. AldashevaA.Zh. Alibek
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148317618810.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-176-188Mathematical and computer modeling of transmission with non-traditional engagement for mining equipment drive
<p>In modern gear mechanics, transmission mechanisms play a crucial role in converting the rotational motion of a driving shaft into the rotational motion of another shaft with varying angular speeds and torque. To achieve optimal designs for the next generation of transmission mechanisms, it is essential to develop mathematical models of their dynamic behavior, conduct computer simulations of the meshing geometry of key components, and visualize the operation of the mechanism. Despite the widespread use of involute gearing in mechanical transmissions, there is ongoing research into new types of gearing that offer advantages over traditional systems. The main challenges facing the industry include increasing the gear ratio in a single stage, enhancing load capacity, and improving efficiency compared to standard gear transmissions. This paper presents the results of mathematical and computer modeling, along with a comparative analysis of the eccentric-cycloid (EC) engagement with the involute gear transmission. Through analytical calculations, the energy-force parameters of the EC gearbox were determined, equivalent stresses and static deflections of transmission shafts were obtained. The paper includes the results of static analysis of elements of the new EC transmission, as well as an algorithm for computer modeling of contact stresses occurring in the engagement. Conclusively, by comparing contact stresses in traditional involute gear transmission, calculated using various analytical methods, with those in EC engagement determined through computer simulation, the advantages of the new transmission type and its potential application in mining equipment transmission mechanisms are highlighted.</p>M.E. IsametovaN.S. SeiitkazyN.D. SaidinbayevaG.S. Abilezova
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148318920510.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-189-2053D-printing in the automotive industry
<p>Additive manufacturing is of great importance in the design and manufacture of automobiles. The number of applications for 3D printing in manufacturing continues to expand on an annual basis. In the recent past, 3D printing was primarily utilized for the fabrication of prototypes. However, there has been a notable shift in the automotive manufacturing sector, with an increasing number of manufacturers adopting the technology for the production of significant automotive components. Additive manufacturing is employed to create design iterations, improve quality through cost-effective prototyping, and produce custom tooling parts. However, there are other areas of 3D-printing in the automotive industry that are more radically transforming products and supply chains. Additive technologies and the new materials used enable the creation of various combinations, both for producing parts with increased strength characteristics and for using soft materials in the interior of the cabin. Additive manufacturing aims to improve manufacturing processes and produce high-quality products in a short time. This article describes the main trends in the integration of 3D-printing technologies into the design and manufacturing processes of cars across various classes and companies. The main purpose of this article is to highlight the key aspects of additive manufacturing in the automotive industry. The use of these trends opens up new opportunities in the automotive industry of Kazakhstan.</p>A.S. IbraimB.N. Absadykov
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148320621810.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-206-218Investigation of the modes of thermal power treatment of sprayed modified layers
<p>The paper presents the findings of a study investigating the properties of sprayed coatings with subsequent electrothermally treated within the context of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan grant project AR19680421. This study considers the peculiarities of electric current flow through the sprayed coating or pre-formed powder layer. The properties of 40X13 steel coatings obtained by hypersonic metallization followed by electrothermosilic treatment are investigated. A method for obtaining a wear-resistant coating is proposed, including the formation of a jet of sprayed particles of two metal wires melted in an electric arc, their deposition as a layer on a pre-prepared surface of the part and subsequent electrothermosilic treatment of the layer. It is proposed to choose martensitic steel as the material of one wire, nickel–chromium or iron-chromium alloy with high electrical resistivity as the material of the other, and the diameter of the wire made of this alloy should be determined depending on the diameter of the steel wire.</p>S. NurakovB.O. BostanovG.M. TlepiyevaS.T. NursagatovA.B. Kaliyev
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148321923010.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-219-230Innovative methods of control and design of continuum robots
<p>This article discusses the latest methods of control and design of continuum robots, including adaptive control, visual control, the use of hybrid materials and the integration of artificial intelligence. Solutions for improving the accuracy and maneuverability of robotic systems, such as hybrid controllers, fuzzy controllers, singularity avoidance algorithms and dynamic modeling methods, are described. Innovative approaches to stiffness management, the use of biomimetic principles and flexible materials, as well as adaptive trajectory planning are also discussed. Practical applications in the medical field, such as fetoscopic operations and minimally invasive neurosurgical procedures, are considered. Examples of experimental studies demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed methods and technologies to improve the functionality and adaptability of continuum robots are given.</p>M.E. KalekeyevaG.V. MuratbekovaZ.E. KonakbayM.A. GozhakhmetovaL.V. Vakhitova
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148323124010.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-231-240Study of the possibility of using additive technology methods in the repair of agricultural machinery parts
<p>Currently, maintaining agricultural machinery in a constant working condition is an urgent task. Studies carried out to study the state of the problem in the conditions of agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan have shown that the lack of centralized repair and restoration bases and production facilities has a negative impact on the quality organization of agricultural machinery. Because of this, it is impossible to carry out repair and restoration work in a timely and high-quality manner, as well as technical maintenance of agricultural machinery and equipment. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use АM technologies in the repair and manufacture of parts of agricultural machinery and machines. To this end, the existing methods of additive technology were investigated. An experimental study was conducted on the manufacture of a «shaft-gear» part using a Stratasys F170 3D printer in the laboratory of the Department of «Technological Machines and Equipment» of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin.</p> <p>The results showed that the time of 3D printing directly depends not only on the size of the model, but also on the density and shape of the filling, as well as on the thickness of the printing layer. It was found that an increase in the thickness of the layer has a twofold effect on the 3D printing process - it has a positive effect on reducing the printing time, but it has a negative effect on the rigidity of the printed sample.</p>K.T. SherovD.I. BerdimuratovaB. MyrzahmetA.A. SagitovS.I. Mendalieva
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148324125210.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-241-252Improvement of wear resistance and efficiency of piston internal combustion engine
<p>The article examines the specific features of piston ring operation in internal combustion engines and proposes a new design to improve their wear resistance and efficiency. The piston ring, critical for sealing the combustion chamber, can create friction that affects the engine's durability and efficiency. Under conditions of high load and frequent wear, the importance of improved design solutions becomes evident.</p> <p>The proposed piston ring design includes the innovative use of graphite as a solid lubricant to reduce friction and enhance sealing. As a result of these design changes, based on a graphite coating and stepped joints, significant friction loss reduction and improved sealing were achieved. Tests on a prototype confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed design, showing reduced friction and energy loss, which positively impacted engine lifespan and overall performance.</p> <p>The results demonstrate the potential of the proposed solution for both traditional engines using motor oil and oil-free engines. Future plans include creating a test stand for more detailed testing and optimization of the piston ring segments, which will help ensure maximum engine performance and durability.</p>A.K. KaukarovG.B. BakytB.U. ZhamanbayevG.K. SamenovA.B. ZabiyevaN.S. Saukhanov
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series
2024-09-272024-09-27148325326410.32523/2616-7263-2024-148-3-253-264Automated road milling cutter for the repair of road surfaces with variable trackage
<p>Road formation on the roads of the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the main reasons for the increase in the likelihood of road accidents. The output of calipers often reaches a significant size, putting drivers under pressure in height and width. The development of automated road milling machines has opened up new horizons in the fight against this problem, making it possible to effectively carry out milling operations within the framework of measures to ensure road safety.</p> <p>Over the past 30 years, the technique has been modified and the use of new techniques is proposed. These are motor graders with an automated "profile" system, self-propelled rollers with a wide range of speed modes and vibration, powerful domestic and imported milling machines, resiclers, automated modern asphalt pavers, asphalt concrete mixture overloads, etc. </p> <p>A methodology for experimental research has been developed and a stand with Metrological equipment has been created that allows you to simulate the complex process of milling asphalt concrete samples by force and coordinate circuit. As a result of the research, regression equations were obtained that characterize the parameters of milling asphalt concrete samples.</p> <p>It was found that when switching from a power (elastic) Circuit of the technological system to a solid (coordinate) circuit, milling errors are reduced by up to 15%, and their distribution is reduced by up to 30%.</p>N.S. KamzanovR.A. Kozbagarov Sh.D. AkhmetovaB.D. ZhunisbekovТ.S. Beketov
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series