Calculation of a mobile overpass using the finite difference method

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  • A.S. Kadyrov
  • K.G. Balabekova
  • A. Ganyukov



congestion, mobile overpass, ecology, orthotropic plate


In many large cities and megacities, the number of cars increases every day due to the increase in the population. According to statistics, there are two cars per house. In this regard, there are large traffic jams on the streets. Traffic jams cause environmental and economic damage to the city's economy. Harmful gases released from the car have a negative impact on the environment and lead to global warming. To solve this problem, there is proposed a mobile overpass based on tank overpasses. The mobile overpass is quickly assembled and prevents congestion, thanks to the movement of cars on two levels. The mobile overpass is based on an orthotropic slab. Orthotropic is a plate consisting of transverse stops and longitudinal beams welded to the surface of the flooring. In this article, there is calculated an orthotropic plate for strength, stability, and stability using the finite difference method.



How to Cite

Kadyrov А., Balabekova К., & Ganyukov А. (2021). Calculation of a mobile overpass using the finite difference method. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Technical Science and Technology Series, 136(3), 67–73.




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