Editorial Policy

Purpose of the journal: Publication of carefully selected original scientific works devoted to scientific issues in all areas of engineering and technology: computer technology, construction, architecture, geotechnics, geosynthesis, transport, engineering, energy, standardization and certification.

Subject area: computer technology, construction, architecture, geotechnics, geosynthesis, transport, engineering, energy, standardization and certification.

Publication languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Periodicity: 4 times a year.

Open access policy. Journal articles are directly accessible to all (link to article archive http://bultech.enu.kz/article/archive/index) based on the principle that open access to research results contributes to the advancement of universal knowledge.

Archiving. Electronic versions of the scientific journal are provided to the National Center of State Science and Technology Evaluation JSC for the formation of the collection and inclusion in the electronic library. The journal has been archiving materials in Elibrary.ru since 2019.

Terms of publication. All articles submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal "Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Technical Science and Technology Series" are subject to mandatory anonymous review. Based on the reviews received, the Editorial Board of the journal makes the final decision.

Due to the large volume of applications, manuscripts of articles that are not designed according to the requirements and not according to the template will not be considered and will not be accepted for publication.

- There are some restrictions in journal such as no more than one article by one author could be published in it;
- The number of publications of articles by one author/team of authors in the journal should not exceed three during a calendar year;
- No more than one article by one author can be published in one issue of the journal. The amount of co-authors of more than 4 people is not recommended.